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Giving Opportunities     

Church groups and individuals give gifts, through annual contributions to their local CWU Unit.  These funds are used toward the budget of the local unit.

Valiant Women Awards are given to honor women who have given outstanding service to the unit, her church and community.  She may not be an actual leader,
 but is always someone who leads by example.  A Valiant Woman is a woman who lives the Gospel message in her every day life.

Young Church Women United Awards recognize the valuable contributions our young sisters in Christ have made to the field of ecumenism, and those young
sisters who are working in different vineyards of church, school, community, business, etc.

Human Rights Award is an award that recognizes individuals who have been working in the field of human rights in our community.  It is not necessarily someone
in the public eye, but a person who has consistently demonstrated a high regard for the dignity of others.

The Key Woman Award recognizes key women within the community.

Agreed to Differ, Resolved to Love, United to Serve

Church Women United in Virginia 2024