
Welcome to Church Women United in Virginia .....   

The PURPOSE of CWU IN VIRGINIA is to encourage Christian women to come together in a visible community
to witness to unity and faith in Jesus Christ, our divine Lord and Savior, enabled by the Holy Spirit,
to go out together into every neighborhood and nation as instruments of reconciling love.

 The NATURE of CWU IN VIRGINIA is an expression of the national movement through which Roman Catholic,
 Orthodox, Protestant, and other Christian women express the ecumenical dimensions of their faith.

 The FUNCTION of CWU IN VIRGINIA is to deepen commitment to Jesus Christ, His mission, and His church.
 Here, Christian women may determine goals, study, speak, and act together on common issues,
                                                        and experience community through worship, study, action and celebration.
                    CWU IN VIRGINIA does not limit its concern with the state or national boundaries.
                    CWU IN VIRGINIA supports local units within Virginia by providing leadership training, helping units achieve their objectives, and
                    connecting units to State, Regional and National levels.
                    CWU in VA cooperates with organized groups of church women within the state, and resources and develops local units of Church Women United within Virginia.
                    We assure ecumenism, diversity, and global community as characteristics basic to the life and work of Church Women United In Virginia, and serve as a vital,
                    creative link between national and local units.
                                                                                                Church Women United in Virginia | 2024

Agreed to Differ, Resolved to Love, United to Serve